Starting good habits when you’re young means they can be second nature as life and health throw you challenges with age. Here are few tips to help you get started — even if you still feel like an invincible teenager sometimes.
Get enough rest
Aim for eight hours. Sleep deprivation affects your body’s immune system, hormone levels and mood, and decreases the ability to focus. Avoid caffeine in the eight hours before bedtime and don’t bring your phone to bed. Have a routine in the evening hours to train yourself to be ready for sleep when your head hits the pillow.
Make exercise a habit
Find something you love to do now and carve out time to do it. Whether that means a walk after work or over lunch break or foam sword battles at the local park, do what you love and become stronger doing it. Sign up for a LiveWell Fit event with your family and friends.
Plan meals and cook at home
Yes, some quick food is convenient and inexpensive, but you pay for it in extra calories, and will feel worse later. Work on some basic meal planning and cooking skills now to take you through your life. Check out the recipe inside this issue.
Prioritize your health
Annual physicals and checkups, good self-care practices and setting time aside for yourself can set you on a healthy path, so when life pulls you in all directions you can be your own best advocate. A yearly medical physical is recommended for all ages, regardless of medical history, and can earn you HRA funding! Know your personal and family health history. In addition, it’s recommended you see a dentist every six months.
Wear sunscreen
When it comes to keeping your skin healthy as you age, prevention in your 20s is vital. Sun damage is cumulative, and it can damage skin even on cloudy days. Start wearing sunscreen daily and be sure to pack your hat and sunglasses on bright days to further protect yourself from damaging UV rays.
Ditch fad diets
Concentrate on getting plenty of colorful fruit and vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains and beans, and smaller amounts of high-quality protein from other sources. The Trust’s Naturally Slim program teaches you how.
What else to quit
Limit your alcohol intake, and if you are in the habit of smoking or vaping, consider quitting (the Trust’s quit tobacco programs can help). Alcohol should be limited to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men.