Stay Healthy. Save Money.

To fight the rapidly rising costs of prescription drugs, the Trust’s therapeutically based prescription plan includes a “Tier 0”. For the highly cost-effective medications under Tier 0, you pay nothing when using a Sound Health & Wellness Trust Custom Network Pharmacy (PDF).

Tier 0 drugs are medications that have been proven to be safe and effective for many people, and can provide similar benefits to other more expensive brand and generic drugs at a substantially lower price.

Prescriptions Under Tier 0 Include*:

  • Cholesterol lowering medications (Simvastatin – all strengths and Rosuvastatin calcium – only 5 mg & 10 mg)
  • Proton pump inhibitor (Omeprazole)
  • Non-sedating antihistamines (Loratadine and Loratadine D)
  • Treatment of diabetes (Metformin and Lancets)

*With physician prescription

What You Can Do:

  • Talk to your doctor about appropriate medication choices for your condition.
  • If your physician believes that you are one of the majority of patients appropriately treated with one of the $0 co-payment drugs listed above, ask him or her for a written prescription, even if the medication is over-the-counter.
  • Pick up your prescription at one of the Sound Health & Wellness Trust’s Custom Network Pharmacies (PDF)— at no cost to you!

You can contact Welldyne, the Trust Office, or download the formulary to find out what Tier your prescriptions are in.