This team of experienced motivators can help you get the most out of the Trust’s Sound Support programs and help you feel your best.
What do Wellness Coordinators do?
Wellness Coordinators help to create a culture of health among the Sound Health & Wellness Trust’s participants. They travel to different work sites and share information on the wide variety of supportive programs available through the Trust, and help educate participants on how to fully fund their annual Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA).
Wellness Coordinators are here for you and can:
- Help you make a plan to fully fund your HRA
- Answer your questions about Sound Support programs like LiveWell Fit, Health Coaching, Wondr Health, and programs to help you quit tobacco
- Help you navigate the Sound Health & Wellness Trust website
- Show you how to securely login and complete your annual Health Assessment
- Help you share your experience in a Sound Support program and become a success story!
They also coordinate the Wellness Volunteer Network. This network is made up of Trust participants who care about their health and care about the health of those around them. They volunteer to motivate and inspire their co-workers to make healthy choices and share their knowledge and experience in participating in the Trust’s Sound Support programs.
If you’ve ever been curious about joining the network, have questions about a Sound Support program, or just want to say hi — introduce yourself the next time you see one of these folks at your work site.
Use this handy map to find the Wellness Coordinator in your area!