Rhonda’s Success Story

The Condition Management program from the Trust helped Rhonda and her husband find a path to better health.

John Bell, a long-time Trust participant and Safeway employee, had been facing numerous health challenges that impacted his quality of life, including recovering from back surgery. John’s wife, Rhonda, recalls how his chronic conditions and limited mobility made it difficult for him to stay active and manage his health effectively. 

Despite these obstacles, John found a path to better health and support through the Trust’s Condition Management program (provided by Guardian Nurses Mobile Care Coordinators (“MCC”)), and Rhonda found people she could rely on to support her husband. 

“The program is straightforward and supportive,” Rhonda explains. “Once you get signed up, they call you monthly to check in and ask how you’re doing. They provide guidance and support to keep you on track with your health journey.” After going through the program and graduating, participants continue to receive support with phone calls every six months to check in and see how they’re progressing.

A Helping Hand from Guardian Nurses

Their MCC nurse played a crucial role in guiding John on his path to recovery. Regular check-ins and personalized advice helped him stay on track with his care plan—and helped relieve stress for Rhonda. Even as John faced challenges like exhaustion and difficulties losing weight, his MCC nurse offered consistent support and care. “Our nurse advocate was on top of everything, ensuring we were following the right path for John’s health. It made a world of difference,” Rhonda notes.

The Condition Management program extends beyond just checking in. Their MCC nurse also helped manage medications and coordinate care with insurance providers, making sure John received the right treatments without excessive costs.

“The nurse advocate helped us switch to a new medication, which improved John’s quality of life significantly,” Rhonda shares. “It’s made his life so much easier.”

If you’ve been invited to join the Condition Management Program and are on the fence about joining, Rhonda’s message is clear: “Don’t be afraid to join,” she urges. “The program is there to support you and help you navigate your health journey more confidently. They’re not prying into your personal life; they’re just there to make sure you’re getting the care you need.”