If you suffer an injury, need therapy after a surgery or have a major illness such as a heart attack or stroke, you can get better faster with outpatient rehabilitation services. Outpatient rehabilitation and therapy benefits are available to both PPO and Kaiser Plan participants for qualifying conditions. These benefits from the Trust are here to help you heal and get back on your feet – and back to your everyday life. Both Plans cover rehabilitation therapies to restore or significantly improve functions that were lost or diminished following an illness, injury or surgery. This can include physical, occupational, speech, cardiac or pulmonary therapies.
If your doctor prescribes therapy for you, the duration of treatment will be based on medical guidelines that are designed to facilitate quality care. This ensures you are getting the right amount of treatment. If your provider’s prescribed treatment plan exceeds the guidelines, your provider should contact either the Trust Office for PPO participants or Kaiser Member Services for Kaiser Plan participants so that a review for additional benefits can be done.
It’s important to note that outpatient rehabilitation coverage is limited to a maximum of 45 outpatient visits per condition per calendar year for all types of therapy combined.
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