Spring is over, but you’re still congested, sniffling and sneezing? Welcome to summer allergy season. While trees are usually done pollinating by late spring, grasses and weeds are just getting started.
According to the Northwest Asthma & Allergy Center, June and July are peak months for grass allergies throughout the state. Pollen from grasses and weeds can travel hundreds of miles, so even if these common allergens don’t grow in your area, you could still be exposed to them.
Experiencing seasonal allergies during a pandemic can make every throat tickle, nose drip or cough nerve-racking. On top of allergies, summer brings its own cold and flu viruses. Knowing the symptoms and getting the right care can help ease your suffering and your worries.
We’ve provided a list of the most common symptoms for allergies, the common cold, and seasonal flu in a convenient chart below.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and have questions or concerns, contact your primary care provider, or use one of the virtual care options provided by the Trust to get the answers you need.
Please remember: If you’re having a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.