Meeting virtually with a doctor for the first time might feel a bit odd. But the process is similar to how it works in an exam room.

Your virtual care doctor will gather information about your family history, personal health and current symptoms, and then use this information to determine how to help you feel better. For example, here’s how it works if you have flu or cold symptoms:
When you talk to a virtual care doctor about your symptoms, it will be through a video exam. Using your phone or computer camera, this video exam will allow your doctor to see the back of your throat, your nose and your eyes and determine what treatment you may need.
Your doctor may also instruct you to bend your head forward to check for increased facial or sinus pressure. They may also have you press over the sides or front of your neck to check for tenderness or lymph node swelling, and to check your skin for rash.
Just like an in-person visit, your virtual care doctor will use the information gathered from your video exam to complete your assessment and advise or prescribe you treatment.
Get yourself set up with the service before you need it and virtual care can become your go-to way to get care for some of the most common health conditions, wherever you are.
For PPO Plan participants and eligible family members:
Visit the Doctor On Demand page and click on “A Few Easy Steps Gets You Started” for more information.
Source: Doctor On Demand