All jobs come with a certain level of stress and working in retail is no exception. Add to that new and changing requirements from the pandemic and feeling stressed out from time to time is bound to happen. But how we manage stress can make a big impact in our daily lives and health. Here are some tips you can use to take care of yourself during stressful times.
That may sound simple but knowing the kinds of situations and interactions that really stress you out can help you avoid them when you can, and plan how to deal with them when you can’t. Is it a certain task in your day? A particular kind of customer? Time constraints? Figure out what stresses you out and make decisions ahead of time for how you want to respond. And keep in mind that different things stress out different people: what might bother a co-worker could be no big deal to you and vice versa.
Sometimes when we feel stressed out, the best thing to do is take a break. Take your scheduled breaks and use that time to have a snack, take a quick walk, call or text someone close to you, or just sit and breathe. Just 90 seconds of calm can help you face the next thing in your day.
A good night’s sleep can do wonders in our ability to manage stress. Be sure to prioritize getting at least 7-8 hours a night. And on those days you didn’t get quite enough, be easy on yourself for not being at your best. We all have those days. Also, don’t forget to add in activities that you find restful and restorative – reading, exercise, meeting with friends or taking time for a favorite hobby.
We all need some help from time to time – from our co-workers, managers, friends, partners, community, or healthcare providers. None of us need to go it alone. Asking for help can sometimes be a challenge, but often there are people in our lives who will be happy to help us out.
If you need help managing stress, as a Trust participant you have many confidential services available:
Your primary care provider is a great resource when you need help managing stress. They can talk through treatment options and resources available to you.
For PPO Plan Participants, health coaching provides one-on-one telephone coaching. Your qualified coach will help you find resources and tools to reduce your stress, set wellness goals and support you along the way. This program is fully paid for by the Trust.
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