When you are ready to quit, building a quit plan can set you up for success. The journey to becoming tobacco-free is different for everyone. Combine all or some of these tips to help you prepare — including the tobacco cessation programs from the Trust.
Pick a date to quit
Choose a date in the next week or two when you do not have too much already going on, and then share that date with friends and family so they can support you.
Make a list of your reasons to quit
List all the reasons you want to quit — big and small. Keep this list in a place where you can see it every day. When you feel like giving up, review your list. It can help keep you motivated.
Identify your triggers
What makes you reach for tobacco? Stress? Being stuck in traffic? Seeing someone smoke? Make a list and then strategize how you can avoid or minimize situations that may tempt you.
Create your team
It is easier to quit with support — and the more people who know, the more accountability you’ll have to keep with it. Reach out to:
- Friends & family — Let your loved ones know you are quitting, share your quit date with them, and let them know how they can help.
- Your doctor — Be sure to talk to your doctor. If they prescribe Bupropion, the generic for Wellbutrin and Zyban, the Trust will cover it under your prescription drug benefit with just a $6 co-pay.
Sign up for a Trust Quit Tobacco program.
Phone-based treatment sessions and unlimited toll-free access to coaches for the duration of your treatment are fully paid for by the Trust, and may include possible nicotine replacement therapy (if prescribed). These programs are available to all participants and their eligible spouse 18 years of age or older.
- PPO: Call (877) 362-9969, option 4 to enroll
- Kaiser: Call (800) 462-5327, or visit