Change is hard. Healthcare has changed a lot in the last decade, yet we are still hesitant to adopt some of the new changes, like virtual care. We’re used to getting medical care in person, not over the phone or online.

But virtual care has the opportunity to provide treatment for common conditions using today’s technology to deliver care directly to you, wherever you are. Here are some reasons people say they are resistant to trying virtual care, and how today’s care options address these concerns.
I want to see MY doctor
That’s good. Having a great relationship with your primary care provider can help you get better care overall. Virtual care is great when you need care that falls outside this relationship – late at night, on vacation or otherwise on-the-go. You can share the records from your virtual visit with your regular doctor to keep your information up-to-date.
I’m anxious about using the technology
If you have ever used Facebook messenger, downloaded an app, or uploaded pictures to Instagram, you’ve got the skills needed to use virtual care. To make it even easier, for PPO Plan participants, we offer printable guides on the Trust website to help you get started with Doctor On Demand®.
I’m concerned about quality
Research shows patients receive the same quality of care from their virtual care experience as they do from an in-person visit. In the case of Trust providers, all are from top medical schools, have many years of experience and are Board Certified in their specialty.
It seems expensive
Whether you’re a PPO Plan or a Kaiser Permanente Plan participant, you can get convenient, confidential virtual care – fully paid for by the Trust, without any co-insurance costs for your visit.
How to get virtual care:
For PPO Plan participants and eligible family members: Visit the Doctor On Demand page on our website and click on “A Few Easy Steps Gets You Started” for
more information.