This is the first article in our “Where to turn for Sound Support” four-part series for 2022. You can view past series online at www.soundhealthwellness.com.
Sound Support is a revolutionary benefit program that gives Sound Health & Wellness Trust participants and their eligible dependents direct access to medical expertise, information and support — and it’s all paid for by the Trust!
Whether you are a PPO or Kaiser Permanente Plan participant, there are a wide variety of programs and resources available to help you succeed. In this first article of our four-part series, we share an overview of this amazing benefit:
Tools for Healthy Living
for both PPO and Kaiser Permanente Plan Participants
Wellness is more than just not getting sick. To help you feel your best, the Trust provides a wide variety of programs and resources, including an annual health assessment, healthy eating education, reimbursements for fitness events, and programs to help you quit tobacco.
Get a snapshot of your health by taking the Annual Personal Health Assessment (PPO) or Health Profile (Kaiser) between July 1 and September 30 each year. In addition to providing you valuable personal health insights, by taking this annual health assessment you can earn the maximum in Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) funding.
- Make exercise fun and earn rewards and HRA funding by participating in a LiveWell Fit event. New events are posted each month on the Trust website.
- Achieve lasting weight loss by changing how you eat, instead of what you eat with Wondr Health. This 6-week online program is offered several times during the year, and Trust participants are accepted through an application process.
- Quit tobacco for good with Quit Tobacco Coaching (PPO) or Quit for Life (Kaiser). Both offer support and tools to help put tobacco in the past.
For PPO Plan Participants:
Trusted Medical Information & Advice
It can be hard to find reliable medical information these days, but as a Trust participant, you have access to a 24/7 Nurse Line and WebMD ONE — online health information and tools to make positive lifestyle changes.
We can all use a little help from time to time — especially when we are facing a serious or chronic health condition. To support you, the Trust offers Condition Management, Health Coaching, and Nurse advocates.
All PPO Sound Support programs are fully paid for by the Trust.
Ready to Get Started?
Learn more about this program by going to www.soundhealthwellness.com/soundsupport — where you can download a program summary, and find links to more information for both PPO and Kaiser participants. Bookmark this page — the Trust is a great place to start when you are thinking about making some health changes!