Avoid Health Issues
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control report that more than 50 percent of health care costs today are generated by medical conditions that people could avoid if they changed their behavior. Receiving good preventive care is one great way to catch small health problems and get a handle on them before they have a big impact on your overall health.
Preventive Care: Paid in Full by the Trust
To keep you and your loved ones healthy, your covered eligible in-network preventive care is paid in full by the Trust —with no deductibles, co-insurance or co-pays. This includes covered well-adult and well-child physicals, immunizations, flu shots and appropriate preventive screening tests like mammograms, colonoscopies and prostate exams. Find a provider and use your benefits today.
Taking steps to prevent illness can also earn you funds for your 2026 Health Reimbursement Arrangement, if you’re eligible for one. Look for these icons throughout this site and on other communications to see what health related actions will count.

Read more about HRA funding or Download the HRA actions chart (PDF) in English or Spanish.